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Making Life Affordable for You

Goal: We aim to lower the cost of living, reduce your taxes, and bring down inflated city utility bills.

How We'll Do It:
 We'll revise zoning laws and fast-track approvals to make it easier for developers to build affordable housing. We're also working on tax relief programs that target low-income families and seniors, giving them the financial breathing room they need. And when it comes to inflated utility costs, we're doing a comprehensive audit to identify wasteful spending and inefficiencies—so your monthly bills can go down.

Your Economic Opportunity, Our Priority

Goal: We want to jumpstart economic growth in our city, bringing in new businesses and creating good jobs for our residents.

How We'll Do It:
 We'll cut through the red tape for small business owners and even provide grants to get them started. We're also looking to attract bigger companies with well-paying jobs by creating attractive tax incentives and building state-of-the-art business zones.

A Safer, More Compassionate Community

Goal: We plan to restore public safety, combat drug trafficking, and address homelessness in a compassionate manner.

How We'll Do It:
 First, we'll strengthen our police force with the training and resources they need to keep you safe. We're also focusing on community policing to build trust between residents and law enforcement. To tackle drug trafficking, we'll enhance cooperation between local, state, and federal agencies. And for our homeless residents, we're coordinating directly with local agencies and stakeholders to provide the resources they need to rebuild their lives, like job training and mental health services.

Committee to Elect Steve Dixon
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